Plugins for ImageJ to process Scanning Electron Microscopy images. Microscopes supported: FEI
Helios, FEI/Philips XL30, Zeiss LEO 1550, Agilent
8500 FE-SEM (formerly known as NovelX
MySEM). The collection of plugins are distributed with the name "MySEM plugins"
Download (v. 4.2) (Linux, MS Windows, MacOSX, Solaris) - Requires ImageJ and Java runtime.)
Installer: MySEM_Updater.jar
Create a new folder "MySEM" inside the ImageJ/Plugins folder, and copy the installer file. Restart ImageJ, and run the installer (Plugins-> MySEM->MySEM Updater)
Complete source: GitHub page or direct
Installation and update from version older than 0.7:
When upgrading from versions before 0.7.6, delete the MySEM folder inside your ImageJ plugins folder and proceed with the installation as indicated above.
Starting from version 0.9.1, you can uninstall the plugins by running the MySEM updater plugin (menu: plugins->MySEM->MySEM Updater). For earlier version you need to manually remove the folder MySEM inside ~/ImageJ/plugins.
support for additional Scanning Electron Microscopes (a few images taken with the requested instrument at different magnification are needed).